Year: 2020

Hair loss

Good day doctors, I am a 20year old male. My problem is my hair. They are all pulling off. Please I need solution urgently. I don’t want to be bald. – Adams

Passengers must carry a negative PCR certificate for specific Emirates flights

Effective 10th July, if you are flying with Emirates from the countries or airports specified below, you must carry a negative PCR certificate issued by a local government approved laboratory to be accepted on the flight. If the UAE government has specified a designated laboratory in your country of origin, you must get your test certificate …

Passengers must carry a negative PCR certificate for specific Emirates flights Read More »

Bill Gates warns against coronavirus vaccine going to highest bidder

KEY POINTS Microsoft founder Bill Gates on Saturday said that Covid-19 medication and future vaccines should be distributed to people who need them the most and not to “the highest bidder.”  “We need leaders to make these hard decisions about distributing based on equity, not just on market-driven factors,” Gates said during a remote Covid-19 …

Bill Gates warns against coronavirus vaccine going to highest bidder Read More »

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