According to WHO(1948),Health is defined as  “a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Enjoying the maximum achievable level of health is one of the fundamental human rights. Doctors should never be denied this right.

In this article, an attempt will be made in looking at the different aspects of health with the aim of assessing how healthy a doctor is. The aspects to be considered are

  • Physical health
  • Mental/Emotional health
  • Cultural health
  • Social/Relationship health
  • Nutritional health
  • Educational health
  • Financial health

Physical Health

Physical wellbeing shows a significant degree of perseverance, adaptability and strength. It fuses every day practice through cardiovascular and solid exercises. Additionally, physical health involves a comprehension of the body’s equilibrium by having the option to change one’s cultural suitably to his/her current circumstance.

Creating physical wellbeing engages an individual to screen his/her own imperative signs and comprehend the body’s admonition signs. A genuinely well individual additionally knows about regular clinical practices and regularly tests his/her body. Physical wellbeing is even more a conventional kind of wellbeing that centers around looking and acting solid through consistent consideration of the body: working out, keeping up clinical assessments, adjusting one’s physical conduct to new conditions, and staying away from utilization of poisons and medications.

How many doctors check their blood pressure and other vital signs routinely. How many engage in physical exercises regularly?

Mental/Emotional Health

Mental and emotional health centers around an acknowledgment and concurrence with one’s feelings and sentiments. An individual necessities to arrive at a significant degree of self confidence and poise, just as a harmony between the psyche and body. Issues center around arrangement and equilibrium inside the body’s psyche and soul; one necessities to accomplish joy or self-satisfaction.

Most doctors are battling depression and have a lack of interest and enjoyment of their job, family and life in general.

Cultural Health

Cultural wellbeing joins various elements of health, yet manages having a reasonable cultural. A fair cultural is one in which an individual takes an interest in an assortment of exercises from exercise to figuring out how to social pursuits.

In many areas, doctors are well out of tune with what is happening in their environment. Most are buried in their micro-environment of the hospitals, showing a lack of interent in the politics and other issues bothering the society they live in and practice.

Social/Relational Health

Social health joins measurements of family and relationship wellbeing. In addition to the fact that it focuses on a solid relational connections, it additionally ties among local area and the climate. Social wellbeing joins exercises that help to improve the local area and keep a steady climate. The center incorporates creating, reestablishing and sustaining sound associations with family, companions, house occupants and the local area everywhere; just as recognizing, investigating and embracing solid sporting exercises that can add to the general prosperity of a person.

Doctors should be encourage to improve their social interaction among their spouses, family, friends and other persons in th community and society. The tag of doctors as “boring and not fun to be with” should be a thing of the past.

Nutritional Health

Nutritional health has been and still is a significant theme in medical practice; particularly as the socioeconomics proceed to develop and move. Numerous doctors  remember nutritional wellbeing for physical health and advice their patient to adhere to that but how many of them(doctor) practice that? Eating appropriately to keep good health and dodge disease is a need.

Moreover, obesity has arrived at an emergency level. This form the base of many diseases – coronary diseases, hypertension, diabetes etc that are driving reasons for death.  It is worrisome thaat a good number of doctors are fat.

A balanced diet is required to maintain a good nutritional health. Many doctors are known to have a hign affinity with junks, snacks and beverages. This is not good enough.

Educational health

Educational health is shown through a long lasting quest for information and addressing of realities and convictions. The thought individuals need to effectively keep up their cerebrum and psyche through scholarly incitement. This kind of wellbeing can be accomplished through instructive classes all through life or through discussion or perusing consistently.

How many doctors are ready to undergo further learning especially in studies outside the medicine like law, engineering e.t.c.  A situation where a doctor is at sea when discussion in other fields of endeavor is discouraging.

Financial health

Financial health is a term used to describe the state of one’s personal monetary affairs. There are many dimensions to financial health, including the amount of savings you have, how much you’re putting away for retirement, and how much of your income you are spending on fixed or non-discretionary expenses.

All the other aspect of health is tied to a doctor’s financial health. How much can he afford when diseases and illnesses call? This is necessary in climes where payment for treatment is out of pocket.

It is therefore important for every doctor to have an alternative(steady) source of income apart from his salary. Be prepared for the rainy day‼

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Doctor‼ how healthy are you?

Physician!! Heal yourself!!

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