Why Children Die In Nigeria: A Short Story

Childhood mortality is the death is the death of children during the perinatal, early or late neonatal period, and up to 18 years of age. It is a major health issue in Nigeria and a source of worry to public health practitioners in the country.

How Huge Is The Problem

According to the Nigerian Demographic and Health Survey (whose work was cited by Sanni Y. etal, 2017), “the childhood mortality rate was 128 per 1000 live births in 2013”. This is not only unacceptable, the causes of this high rate of death of our children should be identified and measures put in place to reverse it.

Nigeria and other sub saharan African countries face varied health challenges but that of childhood mortality is one with a huge implication.

Poor Healthcare Delivery

A health facility in Nigeria

The major cause of the increased death rate in the country is the inadequate provision of health care services in Nigeria. The health sector suffers from gross underfunding, understaffing. This is compounded as the few health workers in the country are jetting out to other countries citing governments insincerity in taking care of their welfare and the lack of basic amenities and facilities in the hospitals.

Nigerian Health Workers Protesting Poor Working Conditions


A Poor Nigerian Mother

Poverty equally contributes to this increased death rate in children. Most Nigerians live below the poverty line and are unable to afford quality healthcare. They will therefore patronize quacks who are not only unqualified but may encourage some harmful practices. This will result in simple health cases becoming complicated and leading to death.

Quackery is a major killer of children

Illiteracy And Ignorance Of Mothers

Another major cause of increased childhood mortality in Nigeria is the illiteracy and ignorance of our mothers. An educated mother would earn better and determine attention sought in accessing healthcare for the child swiftly.

How To Make Our Children Live

To stem this alarming rate, the government should rise up to its responsibility by funding health appropriately. They should provide the required amenities in the hospitals. The health workers should be well paid.

Finally the education of the girl child should be a top priority.

Our children deserve to live longer.

Mortality rate cited from here

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